Sunday, April 17, 2011


For whatever reason, we had a buffet in our kitchen.  Full of fattening food. I was stuffing my face full of pastries, burgers, fries, etc. Anything I could get my hands on, I ate it.  It was pitiful.  And while I was eating, I cried, "IT TASTES SO GOOD!!!" WTH?! 

Thankfully, the above was just a dream.  But it felt like a nightmare.  I actually woke up pissed at myself this morning until I realized I didn't really eat all that stuff. Does that say I have lost my mind or am I really committed to losing the weight? It scared the crap out of me I tell ya that much.  Its amazing how even my dreams are being affected by my weight loss goals. When I told my husband about the "dream" he just looked at me in disbelief:P

I'm exhausted from house hunting(we just sold our house), so I'm going  to snuggle baby girl and relax.  Hope you all had a great weekend!!


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

(New here via the HYC)

That was one strange dream! I had a somewhat similar back when I was worried about some happenings in the office that were way outside my control but were going to affect me a LOT. Do you suppose the stress of house hunting or your house sale has you feeling out of control?

Wishing you better dreams tonight!

Dee said...

OMG!I never put the two together, so I think you might have hit upon something. I'm definitely all over the place right now.

Thanks for stopping by!!:)

Anonymous said...

"I actually woke up pissed at myself this morning until I realized I didn't really eat all that stuff."

Sorry, but that sentence just struck me as funny. I'm always having the weirdest dreams!! And where did you find that picture of me eating pizza?