Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I was just thinking about my weigh-in day. I've been weighing in on Wednesdays lately because some of my mommy friends figured they needed the motivation and accountability. Well after a month, they've dropped off like flies. I feel like I shouldn't even bother with tomorrow's weigh-in. (Last week I was the only one who bothered to even post my weight). I think I'm going to go back to a Saturday weigh-in instead. I was hoping everyone would stick it out but it didn't happen:( I've been searching for some sort of weight loss challenge but haven't came up with anything as of yet, so if you know of anything out in blog land, please leave me a comment! "See" you all on Saturday for my next round with the scale.



266 said...

Ha! After reading your post, it's like it was meant to be. Thanks for deciding to participate in the challenge! We will start on Saturday!

Dee said...

I know!! I almost jumped out of my chair when I read your blog girl!!! Great timing;)I'll be at your blog bright and early Saturday morning!
