Monday, February 8, 2010

12 more hours please!

Early today I talked about how I can’t wait for my watch to arrive.  Well now I’m actually to the point of anticipating my first run using it.  I will be so glad when the weather clears up(that could be May for all I know) and I can go for a run outdoors.  I’m considering going to our community center and use the indoor track there.  We have been stuck in the house all day and I think we need to stay out for a bit after I pick the kids up from Preschool tomorrow. I’m really dreading having to run errands in this weather. There is only so much entertaining I can do before snapping! Two of my kids have colds, so they are super cranking.  Today has just been LONG.    Its just unreal that we had so much snow and its STILL continuing  to come down right now.  I don’t think I’m ever going to get use to winters here.  I think we need to invest in a snow blower at some point because I can really feel it in my arms tonight.  Hubby brought home his W2 almost a week ago and I still haven’t done our taxes yet.  I’m also trying to read two books at the same time(Twilight Series: New Moon and Little Pink House) Its not working out so well:/There is never enough time to get everything done.  I feel like I’m going to scream.  If I take care of one thing, I’m neglecting something else.  Then on top of all that, three of my children want to exchange Valentine’s with their classes on Friday.  So I get the honor of putting together approximately 60 cards for their classmates.  BLAH!!!Well I’m going to shower and try to get some more reading done unless hubby wants to watch more Anime.

Sunday’s stat’s 2/7: 5% cline-4.5-5mph(run), 3.5(walk), 4501 steps, 2.08 miles, 33 min., 344 calories
30 sit ups, 30 arm extensions, 30 bicep curls-5lb. weights
1456 calories consume; 80 oz. H20
Today’s stats 2/8:
Elliptical 20 min, 2.11 miles, 325 calories
Cardio-kickboxing DVD, 30 min.
1 hour snow shoveling
1445 calories consumed;100 oz. H20

1 comment:

Constance Burris said...

Hey, I got one of these about a month ago. it's sooooo awesome. I named it Giovanni.