Ny'Lia Oliviah Robinson was born on 3/13/12 at 11:31pm weighing in at 9lbs. 6oz. (I will be updating my family blog with the birth story, etc. later this week).
I'm feeling pretty good. Get sore if I'm up on my feet for too long. I am really eager to get the "show on the road" but my body is telling me that its not quite ready.
With six kids, I think my biggest challenge is going to be time. The baby is breastfeeding on demand so I can't say that I have a certain time in which to workout. So for now, I'll get into the habit of eating properly and drinking lots of water. I MIGHT start a facebook fan page to keep myself accountable. Do you all think thats a good idea or should I just stick to blogging??Nothing like telling people how much you weigh and posting pics to really get my butt on the right track.
I see I still have some followers. Say hi if you're still around to cheer me on. My 6 week check up is on 4/26/12. So I will be posting that day to see exactly where my head is and what my plan of action will be to get rid of this baby weight.