Monday, September 7, 2009

Weigh-In, Etc. Etc.

This post is going to be relatively short since its a holiday and my little ones want some mommy & daddy time. Well I'm back on track!!FOUR pounds down from last week:) I'm freakin' ecstatic about that. I didn't really know what to think as I saw jaw definitely dropped and I squealed in delight once it set into my mind. I've been running around like crazy getting the kids back-to-school stuff ready. Last week was Malique's(my 7 year old son) info night and this week is my two preschoolers info night. Needless to say I've been sleeping pretty well the last few weeks because I'm constantly on the go. I've been doing the EA Active 30 Day Challenge and I must say it is most certainly a challenge. If you're thinking about getting it, its well worth the investment. Well I hope everyone is enjoying the remainder of the holiday weekend. Have a great week ya'll!!



Shelley said...

Great job Dee!!! Man, when you get back on track, you really get back on track!!!

Dee said...


Thanks a bunch for checking on me. Its people like you that keep me going. I really appreciate it;)


Lori said...

Great job!

Thanks for visiting my blog, and you can join the September challenge - it's open to anyone and it doesn't have to be a weight loss goal :D