Thursday, January 8, 2009

Calorie Intake for a Breastfeeding Mom

Okay, so here's the deal. I'm breastfeeding. With doing so, you really aren't allowed to "diet". After doing some research, I am to eat the following everyday:

Food Serving Sizes Daily Serving

Bread cereal, 1 slice or 1 ounce; 6-11
rice, pasta 1/2 cup

fruit 1 medium or 1/2 cup 2

vegetables 1/2 cup cooked or raw 3
1 cup raw leafy vegetables

milk,yogurt 1 cup 3
cheese 1 1/2 ounces cheese

meat, poultry 2 ounces
peanut butter 4 tablespoons 3
eggs 2 eggs

In my opinion, this is A LOT of food. I can't wrap my brain around the fact that eating all this food DAILY along with exercising will help me lose weight. But if my calorie intake gets too low, all the toxin goes into my breast milk and harm my daughter eventually.

To reach my goal weight of 136 lbs by my birthday in May(and thats pushing it a bit), I shouldn't consume more than 2400 calories per day. I don't know I'm suppose to that with the amount of food I'm suppose to eat....blah!!!This crap is too complicated:(

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Dee, one thing that I have found to be most surprising this last year is that I lose BEST when I eat everything on my plan...I do not count calories, so I cannot say what the calorie count is, but there is enough food on my plan that I often have a problem getting it all in. When I do, I lose more consistently.

Our bodies need food in order to burn food. When you are breastfeeding, you need enough food for yourself and also for the milk production.

Don't be afraid to eat....just eat carefully and healthfully.